Debra I applaud your initiative.
Some ideas come to mind for your expansion plans, this quote seems relevant, "a journey of a thousand miles begins with a first step".
Contact the best provider of red wrigglers and their housing products, get some sort of sponsorship going. Introduce your current
project to schools statewide, then nationwide.
Sustainability has seen some real traction lately, I even saw a poster at McDonald's.
The sponsor doesn't have to be in the worm business; I recently heard of a story with a Republican senator whose son told him if he wanted his support he needed to be Green, evidently the senator is not alone, just Google RepublicEn. Any business that needs good PR in the media would jump on supporting your program. Paul Hartunian used "a good story"to
sell The Brooklyn Bridge. Then he appeared in news nationwide, even making it on The Tonight Show.