My area of Idaho was only settled to any large extent around 1900. But even with that .. driving around .. look at the cow pastures and farm ground for old buildings or foundations .. with flowers and fruit
trees still producing .. even though the owners have not cared for them for a considerable time.
What you are looking at .. is a genetic gold mine.
I couldn't locate the owner of one property but the apricot tree was heavy and over the
fence on the road. New starts were right under my feet .. sprouted up from last years seeds.
One of my buddies likes to fly NV and look from the sky for old cabin sites .. for old bottles and with a metal detector .. coins. Yes, he could have gotten shot.
The Wine Cup ranch starts at Jackpot, NV and runs to
Wells .. 90 miles and is 45 miles wide .. has over 5,000 miles of
fence. North of it in the hills is Jarbidge, NV called Jabidge by the Indians .. the sound of cannon being shot at them in the 1800's .. one cowboy showed me a Mayan turquoise quarter sized square .. from Indian trading days. Many of our Indians .. Chief Joseph and Sac .. awajia .. are Hebrew names .. N.M. paleo-hebrew ten commandments show .. they were here during King David's reign. So much for History Prof. appreciating ethnic diversity.
Looking around can be very rewarding. Even ant piles with drilled necklace beads in them gathered by insects. Some of this stuff is a Federal Offence if you pick it up.