Nick Didomenico : Location, location, location : Your
local Fossil fuel Delivery ''$ervice" will share with you the 'Degree Day' forecast for your region on a
computed average -usually on a week by week schedule. Your local daily temperature and wind direction is part of the information available from your
local airport to Local Pilots wishing to follow ( Basic ) Visual Fight Regulations - 'VFR Flight' Your local conditions /wind and temperature can very wildly 1/2
a mile away!Given a Southern exposure to your
water storage , there is a tremendous amount of difference between a primarily eastern exposure and a
western exposure Also, you locations elevation, and whether or not you are in rain shadow of local mountains is all important to give you a locally accurate
Precipitation Map !
So - irrregardless of everything else shared here; the best place to store water is in Your soil ! Much of the information needed above is needed to help
improve the way your local soils hold water ! For the Good of the craft ! Big AL