Hi, Benton! You're on the right track, but don't settle for speculation when there's actually been a lot of research on this topic. You are correct that soil amendments should be unnecessary in clay soil
if you have healthy soil life -- bacteria and fungi -- that can mine the nutrients out of the clay and make them available to the plants. The plants cannot access the nutrients without the help of soil life. I recommend watching Elaine Ingham's videos on YouTube for more information. Dr. Christine Jones has another piece of the puzzle with her "liquid
carbon pathway" research, though that is aimed more at ranchers than gardeners.
I've been doing similar experiments to what you describe for the last 8 years, top-dressing heavy clay soil rather than tilling it. It can work, but you must be patient. The first few years, daikon radish or other "tillage" radishes will be your friends, as they loosen the soil for you. After three or four years the daikon will not grow as well, but you may be able to grow carrots and other
root crops in the loosened soil. It's not just a matter of physically pushing their roots into the clay; the clay stays wet longer than other soil when it rains, and binds up like
concrete during drought, and most annual plants can't handle that kind of stress. The best technique I've found is to add "texture" to the soil, as Paul Wheaton is fond of recommending, and plant sensitive crops in the raised ground rather than the low ground so that their roots don't rot off. I'm currently in my 3rd year of experimenting with what settlers called "woody beds," what permies might call "low hügelkultur," a layer of branches and other durable organic matter covered in clay and
compost, so it's kind of like a sandwich, clay above
and below the organic matter.
Another experiment I've had more immediate results with is adding clay soil to my compost pile. It accelerates the composting process by holding water in the pile like a sponge, and the soil comes out much improved in texture and ready to use.
One advantage of clay that's often overlooked is that it can hold a shape much better than looser soil. If you need to dig a hole or make a pile, it can be nearly vertical without caving in right away.
Good luck!