Erin Blegen:
Hi, and welcome. I know, there may be plenty of threads that talk about wood chips as a mulch. That's because wood chips
are a great mulch.
However, it is more about putting on a cover,
water retention and feeding the soil food web. Any mulch (saw dust, wood chips, bark, dead plants,
compost and even rocks) will help with one or more of these goals (usually all three).
If the mulch is organic it can come in two flavors, kinda. It can be bacteria dominated or fungal dominated. Both of those things (bacteria and fungi) are important to maintain a healthy soil food web. Usually the "dominance" is a result of where the mulch comes from. Bacteria dominated comes from green stuff, like decayed leaves, composted manure, table scraps. Fungi dominated comes from brown stuff, like wood shavings, bark, paper and other woody stuff.
Most people assume fungi dominated for wood chips, but really it is both, that is why everyone likes it.
It is free, light, bacterial and fungi components (leaves and wood and bark), and if composted a little, fast acting.
I assume the saw dust and bark and stuff you get will be fungal dominated.
Who likes what? Well, in general, any mulch will work for any plant, but in general
trees like fungal dominated and annual plants like bacteria (from what I have read and observations on Paul Gauchi's farm). You wrote you are putting this around a maple. I believe most would agree that in great.