March through May offers the year's largest diversity of edible salad greenery. To one who knows, it is easy to gather 50 or 100 different species to make into a salad. Besides the well known plants such as Dandelions and Chickweed, there are many plants whose edibility is little known, and seasonal "window of opportunity" brief. Such as the young tender leaves of the shrub called Indian Plum or Oso-berry; the nectar-rich yellow flowers of Bigleaf Maple; the pliable sorrel-flavored baby leaves of Oregon Grape; the peeled young stems of Thimbleberry. Right now, in Seattle,
Nettles offer a supremely healthy and delicious wild treat. Heat is needed to render them sting-free. I use them in stir-fries, add them to macaroni & cheese, or even eat them alone with oil or butter. Broad Dock and Curly or Yellow Dock are two common
perennial weeds that are bitter
enough that they are best cooked lightly. Broad Dock is at its prime now; Curly Dock follows later. Despite the nominal kinship to Burdock (Gobo), they are unrelated. Field Mustard and its cousins are gourmet quality and at their prime now. An easy edible flower to try are the tiny Daisies sprinkled on lawns. A woodland
native wildflower is Miner's Lettuce or Candyflower. Sweet Cicely shoots are emerging, and taste of licorice. Fireweed shoots are eaten as asparagus substitutes.
To learn these and dozens of others, the best way is to walk with experienced guides. But using
books or websites, along with patience and due care, a beginner can still gradually learn. The overall truth is that every habitat --and there are many-- offers at each of the four seasons, something. At any given month, one habitat will yield the best return. Right now, sheltered woodland sites and many warmer corners in cities afford the best array of fresh young greenery.
Thirty years ago I was a beginner; now I know much; still there is more to learn. People beginning these days have it easier because there are more sources of information, including the Internet. I've
led tours since 1981 or so, and shared much information via writing.
If anyone reading this has not tasted all of the plants I cited above, do so, sometime this spring. It will be a rewarding