I just meant normal meadow grass that stopped growing in the summer due to a drought but whizzed into action the minute we got some rain in the autumn. The farmer said that spring grass is the highest in nutritional value and that's why you make hay with it. He says tha autumn grass doesn't have any value - it's just empty calories that fills the sheep up but gives them no benefit. I have put a big hay bale out under cover in their field and a hay feeder in their house, so free-choice is there. They still prefer the grass.
I had been giving them some rolled barley morning and evening but he said to stop that to force them to go for the hay. He says their second choice should be straw, then third choice grass. But hey, is that natural?
I'm just worried because this is the first time I have had sheep and one died a couple of weeks ago. She got visibly ill in the moning and died that evening. And the ram is apparently a bit skinny. I only had 4 and now I only have 3