I recently found
I AM ORGANIC GARDENING and I simply cannot say
enough about it. Mark's videos are absolutely fantastic. Direct, concise, information packed, and delivered in the plainest of plain English. His series on soil building, alone, is worth the price of admission. Part 1 he talks about leaf mold and Back To Eden, but in 2 and 3, he showcases soil at the microbial level in a demonstration that
should be seen by every person on the planet. So many things have simply "clicked" in a way I've never had happen before, regarding this subject matter. His delivery is folksy and helpful beyond belief. No agenda, no products, no sponsors. Just truckloads of enthusiasm and "Hey, this works, here's why, here's proof." Please take a few moments and explore his channel.
Just watched this one and I'm once again, floored. Really in depth explanation on why exactly
wood chips
don't build soil. Mark stresses how much he wants Back To Eden to work; his exhaustive efforts and experiments showcase that. But, having had this exact problem in my garden this year, it's really exciting to try a new approach in the spring. He doesn't discount the method entirely, he just keeps a major focus on building soil, as opposed to trapping moisture and creating
compost. Which is what wood chips do. Evidently.