Just joined this forum as been foraging for mushrooms but now that seasons are over i've been looking to expand knowledge into edible and medicinal wild flowers (located in Australia). I've gone out and picked 1 of a few different types and tried to identify myself but having lots of issues. Can anyone help with these three and then i'll put up next three in new post? Thanks all!
Prickly like a stinging nettle but milky inside,and all purple, is it milk thistle?
Thanks for the help,when i looked up evening primrose it said flowers grow on top whereas with the plant in second pic flowers appear 1 at a time all the way up the stem. With the first pic the flowers are yellow but turn to that white fluff seed I think it is (that as a kid you'd blow and it's go everywhere).no idea with the third plant?
I didn't like the taste of tongue and it didn't like the taste of me. I will now try this tiny ad: