I have been so busy with "permaculture world" here at my home, I haven't been too active on the
permaculture forums (bad me! need to make more time!) That being said, I stumbled upon something today, and I made a point to post this-since I wholeheartedly support Permies.com-
I wanted to let the empire know that your awesome article about LAWNS- has quite a few of the
affiliate links- not working. (I know because I was clicking through to buy items-and hit on "unavailable" or an error page from Amazon) I know that affiliate links help in terms of commissions (albeit small I know) but since I was looking up lawn related advice (trying to fall sow here in new mexico) and came across the article- loved how it was written, and I got lots of great info- I wanted to bring it to the attention, as even though I am a permies "person"- I click on the "
lawn care for lazy people" during a google search for "fall sow lawn, organic lawn tips"- so perhaps there are others out there like me who have this on the autumnal
permaculture brain.
** a lot of the items listed weren't totally unavailable, they just had links that were broken- an example would be Yarrow seeds- It came up defunct, but then I searched "organic yarrow seeds" and another supplier came up. I figure that by clicking on that new link, I would effectively severe the affiliate link commission for Paul- (so I haven't ordered yet! because I'd love for Paul to get a commission on those seeds, and that lawn mower!)
My Best, and to spongey comfy feeling under the feet lawns!