These are young seedlings. Field grown. Bare
root shipping.
Roots are dusted with mycorrhiza. Planting instructions included. These are 3-year old seedlings and range in size from 6 to 18 inches.
Orders in increments of 10. Price per ten plants is $40. Handling is $5/order to cover shipping preparation. Postage is extra.
Alternate Leaf Dogwood
Red Osier Dogwood
Bitternut Hickory
Black Cherry
Black Elderberry
Black Walnut
Canada Plum
Sugar Maple
Red Maple
Silver Maple
Highbush Cranberry
Pussy Willow
Black Willow
White Oak
Red Oak
Bur Oak
White Birch
Red Pine
White Cedar
White Pine
White Spruce
Order now for May delivery. Orders must be placed by Friday, December 16. Late orders may or may not be filled.
Payment is via Paypal or Interac only.
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