online PDC handbook is a collective creation brought to you by TreeYo
Permaculture, headed by Doug Crouch. It is a fair share service to those who are seeking information about various aspects of
Permaculture. By using a multimedia approach, we embody the
permaculture principles and bring concentrated information to a central node. We really hope that you will leave comments or questions so that the collective genius of the Permaculture community can be realized. Through this blog/book format, we can have an open dialogue and co-create so that future users can access not only the valuable information presented but also discussions and comments brought by you the users.
Much of the information is derived directly from the curriculum presented in our courses and is a reflection of our take on Permaculture. The
project of the
PDC Handbook is a massive undertaking and we welcome any feedback to help drive it forward.
Furthermore, this is an online reader for those who will be taking permaculture courses with us or other teachers. We feel that it is a testament to the permaculture philosophy of being completely open-source with everything we do, Cooperation not Competition. At the same time we also recognize the intellectual property involved and we wish to honor the system of Collective Commons. Thus please do give us credit for our work here and please share this resource widely.