is the first source I have seen that may be telling us this does NOT work unless we take it DRY
One strange thing about
diatomaceous earth is that for it to work on killing bugs, you have to keep it dry. Even morning dew can make diatomaceous earth ineffective.
My understanding is that when diatomaceous earth becomes moist, the sharp thing is no longer happening. That's why you have to keep it dry when you use it.
answer if this means that when we humans eat it with
water or
milk and cereal etc.--it will not work and needs to be eaten dry because other sites do NOT say this.
Im wondering--I take it in water or with cereal and liquid like other sites recommend.
Is this a mistake and making it ineffective?
should a human best take this so its effective and also safe regarding the water dehydration and drying agent issues?
My wife is still scared for me to give it to the children--any convincers from
Thanks for your help!
Immanuel Yosef
See Here that wolf creek site says the opposite:
People are always asking me, how to take diatomaceous earth. There is NO one perfect way to take DE. I KNOW you are already disappointed with this fact, as you were hoping there was ONLY ONE "Perfect" way to take it. (Sorry 'bout that) Everyone's' preferences are different. Some people take 1 heaping
tsp. in a glass of water prior to each meal, 3x/day and swear by DE's wonderful health benefits keeping acne away, clean clear skin, better sleep, more
energy, stronger hair and nails. Others take a heaping tablespoon just before bedtime, figuring it's best to take it away from food because of its detox benefits. Others take it in the morning in their juice. Still others put it in their protein drink, smoothies, morning
coffee, etc. Whether you take DE once/day or 3x/day, everyone reports effectiveness and better health.
"I" take 2 tbsps. of DE daily with a very small amount of water, just
enough to make it fluid (like water). I'm not interested in tasting the DE in a full 8 ounce glass of water. I stir it up well and immediately consume before the DE has a chance to settle at the bottom of the glass. I don't care for the taste of DE in my orange juice, but others like DE in their juice, coffee, protein drink, smoothies, etc.