We plan on having 50-100 laying hens on a pasture rotation. Organic
feed is crazy high but I really don't want to feed them a bunch of non gmo feed that's been sprayed down with who knows what or the regular gmo feed. So I'm looking for success stories on an efficient way to feed alternatively.
I've been reading about using certain cover crops for them to eat on pasture, anyone doing that?
I've also read about buying and mixing high protein grain and feeding that alone with forage? They will be following livestock (sheep now but eventually cows too) and so they will be getting that extra larva protein.
Just curious and very open to trying other things to at lease keep our feed bill down. I am currently fermenting the feed using the 2
bucket method. And I don't know it this helps but we will be wintering them in a hoop house and I was thinking about seeing in oats or wheat in their that would be ready for them to eat by the time we put them in there?
Thanks for anything you offer!