salal leaves are a mild astringent, so pick some, dry them in a paper bag, then powder them up and when you get a bruise or a wound, mix with a little
hot water and slather on, and it will help reduce the swelling and heal it up. better yet, add some oregon grape leaves, a few st. johns wort flowers, a few plantain leaves, and a little arnica (and i do mean a little- they say it's toxic if it gets into the body, but i have found using a little internally to be ok. i mean a little, one or two drops of tincture, or 1 leaf in a few cups of leaves. I have accidentally ingested much more, and i lived to tell the tale). and some of whatever else is growing around that isn't toxic... and you have a nice plaster for wounds & bruises. add some yarrow, and apply the powder directly to a bleeding wound and it will stop/slow the bleeding. since everything is edible, you can also take about a table
spoon of the powder, mix it with
water and slug it down, thus treating the owie internally and externally.