G'day all,
We're planning our second year of farming projects right now, and since raising pigs for the first time last year was a success, we want to build on that and buy more pigs this year. I'd eventually like to be able to grow all the food I will need for them, but realistically, we're probably a couple years from working all the bugs out of that process. In the meantime, I want to be able to save money on commercial organic
feed by buying in bulk.
It was easy to feed 3 pigs last year by picking up 25kg bags in the Jetta once a week, but that won't work with 20 pigs, and at about $1 per kilo, the price is just too high. So... what does everyone use for bulk storage of feed?
Should I just get a bulk feed tank that will hold a couple tons? The feed store can fill a tank off their blower truck, and it will keep the feed nice and dry, but I'm sure they aren't cheap to buy and install.