I was thinking about this the other day as I was pondering my favorite place on my
land. Maybe it will help people that don't have a large space... I have an area that is maybe 20' by 30'. It is by far my favorite place. Just being in it makes me happy. It has two
apple trees that are 12' or so and are in bloom now, a couple that I just put in on the outskirts that are only a foot or so, two really nice autumn olive bushes, two
honey berries, a bunch of daffodils in rings around the bigger fruit trees, an even bigger ring of comfrey around the daffodils. Random garlic and regular chives, a gooseberry, a jostaberry, some strawberries, and aspargus growing about in little spots wherever they are happy. A few enchinacea flowers, some various kinds of mint and sedum spread as they like. My Perrone hive sits next to the larger
apple tree. Happy bumblebees are everywhere, especially when the comfrey, sedum and mint bloom. Not far away is a small bird bath and a blue bird house, along with some mason bee houses I made. Dozens of types of birds can be heard singing in the area and things just seem happy there. It all fits in a space that many people have, and most of the things growing there volunteered or were from cuttings or seeds, and cost little to nothing. Did I mention that mulberry tree that some kind bird planted for me? Nearly everyone can have a space like this with not much more investment that a little bit of time here and there when you want to spare it. If you plant a few things you like and wait, others will appear. It isn't a big place and it probably wouldn't mean as much to some, but its a place that is always peaceful and makes me feel good just walking into it. I hope everyone has a spot like this in their life.