Hi there. I live in the beautiful Cowichan Valley on Vancouver Island, Canada. We bought 4 acres last year (suburban flight!) and have spent that time observing the
land and thinking about what to do with it (it's about 2/3 woodland right now). We recently "discovered"
permaculture after viewing A Farm for the Future and decided that was how we wanted to design our farm.
Right now I'm intensively studying Edible Forest Gardens Vol II by Dave Jacke and working step by step through the design process. I'm also reading Gaia's Garden. I'm very excited by the possibilities of
permaculture and not having to clear our woodland (which was the original plan since our idea of a farm was lots of open pasture and row crops).
I am a total newbie to
gardening and am a bit overwhelmed by my lack of plant knowledge and how much I'm going to have to learn to proceed. Like, for example, I read about all these wonderful species in the
books but have very little idea of which of those plants can be grown where I live.
I'm tracking our progress on my blog:
http://ruralaspirations.wordpress.com Hoping to learn lots here and very happy to have found you all!