I'm putting this in projects, since there isn't really a spot for Wildlife Rehabilitation. I do expect this guy will become a Nibbler at some point.
A fellow named Bob, operates an excavator in and around Victoria. About a month ago, he was moving a pile of soil and after dumping a scoop and returning for another, he saw the rear leg of a fawn, sticking up from the dirt. He quickly went and uncovered the unharmed
deer. Luckily, it was very clean soil, without a lot of big rocks. The fawn may have been in the pile of dirt, but it's more likely that it was lying in the tall grass where the dirt was being piled. He cleaned it off and waited, but no mother was to be found.
He got some
milk formula from a farm supply and fed it. An animal rescue group advised him on the type of
feed to use. Bob has a large acreage with lots of wild areas suitable for deer. His golden retriever dog, took to the young deer right away and follows it around the
yard. His son and daughter-in-law live on the property, so there are lots of people available for feedings.
The deer instinctively knows which browse to eat. There's lots of Himalaya berries, salal and Oregon grape available. Young deer selectively eat the flowers and new shoots.
Cougars and hunters are rare on Bob's
land. The big cats tend to stay away from buildings and roads were people are encountered. Hopefully the old dog is also a deterrent. I think there's a very good chance that this deer will make it to adulthood and integrate into the semi wild population of deer that are common in suburban areas here.