Well after 2 years and
alot of trial and error with home made antennas for hdtv i finally have a good one, it cost me about 5 dollars but works better than the 40$ one i bought. so here is what you will need
1. 75 ohm transformer
http://www.google.com/products/catalog?q=75+ohm+transformer&hl=en&prmd=ivns&resnum=1&biw=1024&bih=677&um=1&ie=UTF-8&cid=6981033117489120291&sa=X&ei=phBPTejPGojVgQf5xJnjDw&ved=0CH8Q8gIwAg# 2. 5 gallon
bucket 3.
enough copper ice maker line to go around the bucket
step 1 wrap copper tube around bucket and cut where the 2 ends meet
step 2 smash the 2 ends of copper tube flat with a hammer
step 3 drill holes in center of smashed part of copper
step 4 use 75 ohm screws to attach copper to transformer
thats it your done now hook it up to a cable and find the best spot out side to hang it. hope this helps ill try to get a pic of mine in a min