I'm assuming you'll get a lot of snow in Alberta? That's always when the voles do the most damage, since they can tunnel through the snow cover and girdle the trees. I get a ton of snow, have a ton of voles (next to a huge meadow) and I'm just now experimenting with
apple trees.
When I planted my apple trees, I made a small circular cage out of 1/4" hardware cloth about 2ft high. I made sure the bottom part of the hardware cloth was not smooth (little spikes sticking down). I wrapped the cage around the trunk of the tree and buried it as deep as I could without disturbing the roots. Ideally, this cage will go at least 12" above the snow line (I wasn't able to do this).
Other strategies I found in my research:
Get some of that 3" black drain tube, cut a slit in it along its length, and wrap it around the trunk. Backfill the inside with pea gravelKeep grass near your orchard low cut (so they don't have the cover)Plant some little windmills around the yard (see attachment). They'll create vibrations that moles/voles dislike
We'll see how all this does after this winter. I admit, I'm most nervous about vole damage. They go crazy over here in the winter, and I struggle to see a way past luck that I will realistically stop them. The good news is once a tree is established (5+ years), it's much less likely to suffer damage.