We have a 40 acer offgrid homestead in NE WA that we're expanding. We're offering free RV van or even building space to anyone willing to be offgrid and work a little bit around our homestead. We're also offering a share of every harvest we bring in while your here.
Would you be interested in a work exchange for a place to stay? We are 100% self contained. We just need a base camp to park our RV while we explore your area. We will work to repay your generosity. We are skilled in all aspects of homesteading in addition to other marketable skills. If you would like to talk more please email us at gypsyclipper2020@gmail.com
Yes we are but this late in the season there are challenges we will need to talk about first. Please email me at beaverfallsfarm@gmail.com to exchange # and set up a phone call time.
Ryan McCoshum wrote:Yes we are but this late in the season there are challenges we will need to talk about first. Please email me at beaverfallsfarm@gmail.com to exchange # and set up a phone call time.
Hi! Are you still looking? I am looking for a work-exchange in Washington state from September 2019 - March 2020.
In light & love,
I guess everyone has an angle. Fine, what do you want? Just know that you cannot have this tiny ad:
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