Katie Jarvis wrote:We are a small homestead with the typical menagerie - from a full sized horse down to mini goats as well as pigs, donkey, poultry, dogs. We may get a dairy cow evenually. We do not intend to ever have male animals that will seriously challenge fencing. We are planning to do 2x4 wire mesh no-climb fencing, h-braces at the end, t-posts between, and probably 2 strande of electric - one at pig level and one at goat level. Anything else that would work better? Anything that would work that would be cheaper?? We are looking at at least $1.50/ft to do this, which is crazy, but anything with bigger holes would let baby goats out. Thanks for any advice.
You are pretty much spot on.
I use field
fence (known as Page Wire for many years), and it is a bit cheaper than 2 x 4 no climb fencing. I buy it at
Tractor Supply for $179 a roll, 4 feet high, 330 feet long, high tensile. It has varying horizontal wire heights that are lower down bottom, and higher up top which keeps the cost down. It works well except for
chickens and ducks that waddle or walk right through it. It also did not work well for our
beef cows only because they liked to rub on the
fence. A single strand of electric fence though will persuade them to rub elsewhere for very little money. It has also kept out coyotes for the past 9 years without a dog. That is kind of important because anything under 48 inches they will not compensate you for regarding livestock losses...in short, it is not considered coyote proof fencing.
If it sounds like it is less than ideal, then I probably have failed you, because honestly I would never use anything else. I have tried different fences and gotten everything from animals being in the road, to dead lambs from electrocution. With page wire, my sheep have not got out for 4 years now. It is costly, takes time to put up, but once it is up, those 3 days turn into 30 years of solid fence. Considering what it keeps out, as well as what it keeps in, it is VERY cheap fence in my opinion.
As for what I have versus 2 x 4 fence, I have no heart burn about using no-climb fence, but I have a LOT of acres under wire. If a you are only looking at 10 acres or so, then 2 x 4 no-climb would be better of
One other thing,
deer love this fence. Deer can out-run coyotes, and they can scale a 48 inch fence, so on my farm anyway, if they can get over a fence of mine, it means they live because a coyote has to go way out of its way to find a spot where they can get in.