This may be a question better posted in the permacuture forum.
I can tell you that we stared last year building a guild on our small steep slope which is on a little over a 1/4 acre lot. We put in 3 semi-dwarf
apple, 1 self fertile semi-dwarf montmorency cherry, two paw paws, 2 serviceberry, 3 chokeberry, 2 blackhaw, lowbush blueberries, highbush blueberries, raspberries and 1 Italian everbearing fig. Then added red and white clover, nasturtium, foxglove, yarrow, cosmos, lavender, bergamot, bee balm, tuft grasses and some others which I can't remember at the moment. So, ours got off to a good start, and we will be planting some veggies in there this season as well. It appears like all or plantings have survived the winter. We used primarily
native plantings to help insure success.
Hope this helps.