What do you guys think of the new Permaculture Worldwide Network?
It's just in beta, but I think it has potential. It's so great that you can follow what other inspiring permaculture practitioners as well as interesting projects as they progress.
Although I love permies.com and the wonderful community that has sprung up here, I do think they should add a forum for better communication.
If anyone is interested In joining up I just created an account on the network. You can find my by searching for Andrew Perlot
Does anyone know of any fascinating projects I should be following? Any suggestions welcome.
It looks like you're already following my project. I used the network to look around my region and see who else was doing permaculture in this neighborhood. Also, I foresee it being really useful when doing climate analogues--checking similar climates along your latitude and seeing what they're doing. I did that to help design our guild.
I have learned more there in a short time, and gotten more help with things then I ever have here without the threats of edits, deletion, and other acts.
That place has made me really learn more about my property and the global connection of mitakuye oyasin (we are all related: trees, rocks, fungus, 4 legged animals, birds, etc) on a scientific level.