Permaculture Design Course
Orcas Island, WA
Dates: July 14 – 28, 2018
Location: Bullock’s
Permaculture Homestead
Description: A two-week certificate design course on the Bullock’s 30+ year-old
permaculture homestead. Over 72 hours of classroom and hands-on education including design methodologies, observation skill-building, whole systems design, annual and
perennial foods, water/energy/waste management, appropriate construction, plant propagation and culture, outdoor
mushroom cultivation, herbs, and natural fiber use.
Instructors: Douglas & Samuel Bullock, John Valenzuela, Dave Boehnlein & more.
Cost: $1535 ($1435 paid-in-full by May 1st). Includes a copy of Practical
Permaculture by Boehnlein & Bloom.
Dave Boehnlein
Register online at