So, the best advice I have ever seen for building a
RMH is to start stacking loose bricks and see what happens. I stacked and learned how to build garbage, a actual
RMH that was a fire extinguisher, and finally the real deal.
1: The proportions matter on lengths, area, sizing, cross section, etc. Don't try to reinvent the wheel. I tried. I failed.
2: If the ratios are off it can be the burn tunnel being shorter, there riser being larger and/or taller, or the riser being farther from the barrel.
3: Riser height! Riser height! Riser height!
4: Learn how to make cob. It is easy and a forgiving material if your location doesn't require good looks. For good looks, I need more practice lol.
5: There is a reason I could not find a perfect cob recipe. It is an on the job thing that goes by feel and the nature of your material. My clay, from posthole I had to dig, came with plenty of sand. Adding much more sand ruined it.
6: Start with a small
project and don't expect it to go fast and easy.
7: Cob is heavy, messy, and sticky. Be prepared. Having a
bucket of clean
water around is handy.