(Is there a better forum to post this in?)
Open invitation. We are working on a blockchain backed
permaculture business centered around the PAHS concept. WarmLife is the company name. Free Heat For Life is the tagline - and we believe it can be done. We want to do residential retrofits - the market is far larger than new construction.
Our invitation to this community:
Founding partners - this is still in concept stage and we need founding members (strong commitment required, but could be very well rewarded).
Read, edit, comment on our white paper.
Work for us - we need a variety of skillsets, especially social media and PAHS expertise. Any other skillsets will be considered - pitch an idea and join the team. We need to build out the team. Have you done a PAHS install? Are you a permaculture pro?Accountant? programmer? Lawyer? Graphic designer? Materials engineer? Online marketing professional? Social media ninja? Mold prevention expert? Franchising expert? Angel investing expert? Administrative savant? We need all this and more.
Even if you’re just interested in seeing this as a business, contact us and let us know.
Be an advisor - senior entrepreneurs, permie experts, lawyers and more are welcome. Even bankers!
Provide Proof of Concept. We are looking for any and all working installs - professional, homeowner, greenhouse - anything we can get - photos, videos, technical explanations, conceptual upgrade ideas, etc.
And, of course, we’re looking for seed investors.
If you want to follow-up (link to whitepaper / send your proposal, idea, etc.), then email - mailto:
misterkel@gmail.com with Permies WarmLife in the subject line.