Well if they do come for you in white coats and carrying nets, don't tell them about me, those aren't the ones I want to go with. I'd much prefer the lanky bipeds with big heads and that communicate telepathically
"Study books and observe nature; if they do not agree, throw away the books." ~ William A. Albrecht
Unfortunately, those ones are serious pervs, with no concept of personal space. I roomed with 3 of them for 20 years and there was nothing but tentacle porn on the TV, 24/7. I never want to see another suction cup or antennae.
I was lucky to live only 2 hours south of the totality zone, so I took my daughter out of school and we made a little trip. Traffic up was OK but going home was kinda tedious! I took these with my Canon 70D and a telephoto lens. I wasn't planning on trying to take pictures, so I didn't do much research or planning. But decided to bring my camera because capturing moments is part of who I am. I'm glad I got a couple of good shots :0)