im definitly a peasant and i think im probably not pleasant but that depends on your levels of sense of humour and whether you value the truth rather than the veneer of politeness. which i dont really unless its a cop then i understand its value totally. not that i talk to them much...errr dig dig dig,,,,,i have a sythe and i have a quarter acre of thistles brambles and
nettles and i have a house what im going tp green witharocket stove. erm i have two boys who can be rather usefull.... i like cooking and i like woodwork and making things out of nothing. and i live really far away ........... and id love to get out of here and go somewhere nice and quiet with totally different people and things cos theres lots of people to take care of here and it would
be nice to be somewhere i was part of something with someone just soething normal and nice. and probably go mad together lol in a good way.
books probably tell a lot about whether people are like minded ...we all have hearts but its the mind that i think defines whether you can be friends with someone you can loveanyone but would you be able to build shelves together that sthe test really. so robert anton wilson terry pratchet are two of my fave writers. well hope you find someone nearer anyway i just thought id chatter on a bit:}