I wasn't sure where to post this so I'm posting here.
Today I got a Purple Moosage about my name (see below). It said I need to change my name to a real name. But! "Sharon Goodenough" IS my real name. Want me to fax my driver's license? I'm sorry my name doesn't SOUND real, but I assure you I earned it fair and square by being married to my ex-husband! Maybe I
should change it to my maiden name "Potter" but will I be accused of a fictitious name (Colonel Potter on MASH? or Harry Potter?) jeez. Maybe I should make one up? I rather like The Scarlet Pimpernel

There are a lot of Goodenoughs out there-look on
Facebook or in the Whitepages!!!
So...now what?
The REAL Sharon Goodenough
PS I didn't appreciate my purple moosage starting out with my name in square quotes...
I really enjoy reading permies and love all the great info here. I just earned my
Permaculture Design Certificate from Cincinnati
Permaculture Institute (Doug Crouch's TreeYo
Here's the message from Permies about my name:
"Hi "Sharon Goodenough",
We are pleased to have you here with us here on permies. We don't have many rules that you need to worry about, but one that we take very seriously regards the use of proper names. Please take a look at our Naming Policy and adjust your display name to match it.
In particular, your display name must sound like a real name, and must not be obviously fictitious. Initials are OK for the first name but not the last.
Please click here to change your display name.
permies Staff."