Amedean i dont know where your going either just taking a guess. I was just taking ideas for a walk.
I think i did not read your bit about hammering your plough into a sword properly, i am totally with you on that one except that some people are crazy and let sleeping dogs lie would be a better phrase for them, they are always defeinding the top dogs. Maybe the sleepign dogs lie proverb is not necessary, not if we are all like the protagonists of pokemon the many fights we have will straighten out our ideas.
Dont mind fresh air, cant say i think about air much any more i just get writing or
gardening and dont have a clue about whats going on around me, like if the air is fresh or not.
Truth is it seemed you had thrown down a bit of a gauntlet so i thought i would take it up.
Did you know a horse needs tHirty square foot of fresh air a hour, i am nor sure i have that right, it might be much more, i read about it years ago in a agricultural magasine in a country branch of a bank in england.
I once went into a stables with a corrugated iron roof in the mountains in Spain where the sun hits hard but its to high high up the mountain for the air ooutside to get very hot. The roof made the stables very hot and it was as if you had put a lot of amonia in the
water you were mopping the floor with, it made me think, "help my lungs, they are going to burn up".
I did not say anything to the owner of the horses, i did not then practise being nasty to be kind in those days, like saying what a terrible stables are you crazy, i asked him later about his horses and they had all died, i thought thats hardly suprising with your stables and thought i
should have said something before.
So i dont know if horses just need a lot of fresh air or things can get so stinking of amonia that you have to give them a lot of air to blow away the amonia.
Maybe thats why horse are given
straw as bedding in England, it stops the urinne turning to amonia. It also helps the straw turn into sweet smelling earth.
i was reading about different races of cows, about a race in the canary island and it said they were kept principlay for manure they were given cut mountain bushes as bedding and the manure and bushes mixed and kept to break down a bit made good manure for their banana and tomatoe plantations agri rose macaskie.