Hi Barefoot
Good question, I believe what you are talking about is microbiology, taking the DNA from different plant species, combining and producing something new. Sometimes called Franken foods when they start splicing plant and animal DNA. The classic example is splicing jellyfish and monkey DNA to get a so called glow in the dark monkey.
Microbiologist have the same goal as most gardener or farmer, who want to improve the traits of any species of plant or animal.
Traits that breeders have tried to incorporate into crop plants in the last 100 years include:
1. Increased quality and yield of the crop
2. Increased tolerance of environmental pressures (salinity, extreme temperature, drought)
3. Resistance to viruses, fungi and bacteria
4. Increased tolerance to insect pests
5. Increased tolerance of herbicides
Microbiology requires expensive equipment and years of study that most home gardeners can ill afford.
Instead I would suggest you take a trip to Santa Rosa Ca. And visit the Luther Burbank home and garden. Very inspiring for those of us that are not real scientists, but are interested in growing free and tasty fruit trees for our yards.
It usually takes many years for a seed germinated fruit tree to mature,
enough to start producing fruit. Most gardeners don’t want to invest years of time on a tree, whose fruit is only suited for the pigs. So Luther discovered a way of fooling a year old seed tree start into thinking it was older.
Luther Burbank first selected and planted a number of fruit bearing aged trees that he planned to study. This gave him an outdoor laboratory to work. He didn’t need a tree for every variety of fruit tree, but only a select group that he could graft too. Pears and apples can be grafted on to each other and peaches, cherries, plums, almonds, and apricots can be grafted on to one another.
Each Fall he would plant thousands of fruit seeds; he selected the healthiest new starts and would graft them on to his laboratory trees the next spring. Anything that was accepted by the mother tree was kept and any developing fruit was removed so that all the
energy went into graft growth. The second year the grafts were strong enough to support fruit production. In the Fall the fruit from each graft was tasted and marked and recorded. Ill tasting fruit grafts weres cut off and mulched. Promising fruit trees were kept and sections of these grafts would be put on
root stock the next year.
The average gardener can visit their
local Farmers market, select fruits they enjoy, collect and plant the seeds. Then graft them on to an older tree.
It would be interesting to see if this method can be used in reverse, can an old fruit tree scion be grafted to new seedling starts. We would have to do an experiment to see if this is true, before we start spreading this thought as the gospel truth.