“Where the Landlord is King” – Interview with Emily Beach, Burlingame City Councilmember
by Willi Paul & Planetshifter.com
- excerpt -
Willi: What is your vision for Burlingame Avenue in 5 years?
Emily: A thriving, walkable,
sustainable, pedestrian-friendly district with a
local feel and regional draw. A place where people can walk from where they live to all the goods and services they need on Burlingame Avenue or its adjacent neighboring streets. A place where it is safer, easier, and more convenient to choose transit, walking, or biking over driving single-occupancy cars. I envision a beautiful town square adjacent to the former post office site that serves as a community gathering space. I am hopeful as transportation modes shift away from single-occupancy car trips downtown and parking needs change with technology, perhaps some of our surface parking lots could be converted to higher uses -- including green space.
Filename: -Where-the-Landlord-is-King-Interview-with-Emily-Beach-Burlingame.pdf
Description: “Where the Landlord is King” – Interview with Emily Beach, Burlingame City Councilmember by Willi Paul & Planetshifter.com
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224 Kbytes