Hi to all, I have about, maybe 3,000 extra Kochia Scoparia seeds coming to me, they really
should be planted this year, viability drops an amazing 95% after even one year so they should get in the ground by this fall/Winter. Kochia Scoparia, although not prostrata is nevertheless an excellent dry country livestock forage and Im not sure but I think it grows in every US state in the Union and much of Canada as well. It's protein value is slightly under Alfalfa's. I particularly recommend it for poor soils. Your goats and
cattle would probably love it. I dont know about this claim but they say that this plant can live on an amazing 6" of rainfall a year...I dont know about that, but I know its a tough useful plant.
I would prefer to trade for seeds of other livestock forages, particularly anything in the Atriplex family, sourced from Arizona, Oklahoma, California or Texas, Winterfat, any Rhus species that would do well in dry hot country, and any grass seeds that would survive on 8 to 12 inches of rainfall. Dahlia species would be of interest, Apache Plume. Mountain Mahogany, Oak seeds of Red, Chisos, Mexican Live Oak.
I would even be willing to give some seed out for free if you will return 1 1/2 the seed count back to me when yours start producing.....thanks..Mike