We are a family with children seeking an agricultural/permaculture/smallholding type of Jewish community.
We decided long ago that the 9 to 5, work-a-day, suburban world is not the way we want to live. We want to raise our children (and ourselves!) on the
land. We have looked into many communities, but have not yet found a fit. We have realized that we need to be seeking a community with a shared spiritual path. We plan to build our own home, have the family
dairy cow, grow our food. We would like to share this lifestyle with others.
We've made up a list of skills and abilities that we possess and want to be able to use to the benefit of a community...
stone masonry
stone carving
wood carving
growing and using herbs
medicinal tinctures
growing fruits, vegetables, etc.
tending livestock
teaching children
We have an avid love of learning, especially old trades. Both of us constantly study, whether it's philosophy, spirituality, history,
art, geography,
sustainable living (
gardening, building, power, etc.), almost anything we can get our hands on.
Our homesteading/ sustainable living hero is John Seymour.
We will go anywhere in the country for the right fit.