“How Compost Can Build Neighborhood Resilience” - Interview with Eli and Tom @ Sharewaste.com (Sydney).
Regenerative Design Series #1 by Willi Paul & willipaul.studio
- excerpt -
"We chose to favor a more grass-roots approach where we encourage people to take responsibility for the waste they create, which we think is something the traditional "top-down" government waste management doesn't address. With ShareWaste.com the waste doesn't just magically disappear; our members know exactly where it goes and what happens to it." - ShareWaste.com
Filename: -How-Compost-Can-Build-Neighborhood-Resilience-.pdf
Description: “How Compost Can Build Neighborhood Resilience” - Interview with Eli and Tom @ Sharewaste.com (Sydney). Regenerative Design Series #1 by Willi Paul & willipaul.studio
File size:
189 Kbytes