Haha Leila I appreciate your post but it's a pretty discouraging one
My attitude is much different than yours - if it's in my garden in any appreciable quantity and I don't know what it is I want to know! I want to know all the interconnections I possibly can in order to have a better eye for what is really happening in the garden.
Brenda - good luck with your new bed
Sounds like it'll
be nice.
ANYHOW I actually did track down what these bugs are - they're carpet beetles. Apparently they can be a pest indoors as they
feed on natural fibers, hairs, various animal excretions, carpets, etc. They're feeding on pollen on the yarrow though and probably providing a food source for more parasitic wasps
They like to get on white/cream/yellow colored flowers and I've seen pictures of them
online on yarrow specifically since I now have a name for them