We finally found one at a Parkrose hardware near us in Portland Oregon. It had an aluminum handle and was very light. However the blade was at the wrong angle and it wasn't adjustable. It was way to big for me to use. Well unless I was totaly doing it wrong. The other thing was it wouldn't really cut the grass as seen on Youtube demos. So I was thinking it wasn't sharpened correctly. Again could have been us. Any way ended up returning that & ordering from www.scythesupply.com We are having them do the first sharpening so that way we know what correct looks and feels like. Plus we ordered the sharpening tools and they send a how to book along with your order. Yes it seemed a bit $$$ but like I reminded hubby add up the value
1. an education
2. a new gadget to play with entertainment
3. no gas
4. no oil (no mixing no spilling no hunting down the measuring cup or the correct gas can)
5. no rip cords to pull
6. no strings to buy break off or get tangled up in tall grass
7. easy to grab and go
8. no more getting yelled at by me because you forgot your safety glasses hearing protection or something flew through the air and hit me or ??
9. the tall grass is easier to pick up and use for mulch
feed or
compost. (now you wont have to buy those things saves money $$$
10. easier to store.
11. It will last a very very long time.
12. This is a tool I can use (I can't safely use the gas trimmer to long and too heavy & can never get it started by myself) so you wont have to do all the work yourself!
That last on sold him he now sees the value.
We are waiting for delivery and both of us are excited. Now we sent in his measurements however they didn't seem all that off from what mine would be other than the hight. I am use to using things that are to big for me so that may not be a huge problem. Once we see how it all works we will get one in my size or maybe make one? will keep you posted. Hubby is already talking about getting different blades.