I give this seed source 10 out of 10 acorns
Instead of ordering
online, we visited the Native American Seed facilities back in 2014. They have a very nice mail order operation. Their offices and warehouses are spacious and clean. And the fields of flowers are beautiful.
I have found their seeds do well for me. For example, we planted the seed in Oct 2014 since you plant wildflower seed in the fall. We have not had to plant them again as the flowers have come back every year. I was very happy with my purchases of blue bonnets, firewheels and other wildflowers. I am happy to recommend their native grasses. My 40 acre property is all native grasses. I am especially fond of the buffalograss, buchloe dactyloides.
I love receiving their print catalog each year and I love all the information provided on each plant. The pictures are beautiful, they give the common name and the scientific name, whether it is annual or
perennial, when it blooms, the heights, soil types, how much sunlight it needs, and soil moisture needed. They also show what the seedlings will look like.
I highly recommend Native American Seed.