Good Afternoon,
My mother in law is having her 60th B-Day bash in Hawaii (probably on Maui). Being that I'm a cranky no good country
mouse I don't really want to cram into the standard apartment complex on the beach and do nothing but sit in the sand (not to mention the fact that i find it morally wrong to consume so many resources in a place that is small and remote, while leaving behind a huge pile of garbage). Anyways we will be in the area for ~1 week and was wondering if there were any
permaculture places that we could do a farm stay at? We may go ahead for a couple days so we could even stay on one of the other islands before her shin dig starts. Not looking to trade work for a place to stay...but also not looking to stay at just an eco-resort (although it is better than the hotels / apartment complexes). We would be willing to help out and pay for our accommodations.
FYI we are looking to travel in the summer of 2019 (June most likely). My family consists of myself, my wife and our 4 year old daughter.
Preferences in order (some gaps left in there as i'm sure i forgot something):
1. Working
permaculture farm with rentable accommodation
2. Working organic farm stay with rentable accommodation
4. Eco-resort
10. Dumpster
1,000. Apartment complex on the beach...
If this isn't the right forum for that, then by all means please assign it to the correct location.