Hello all. I just joined up.
Our 6yo house/yard is sitting on top of a former truck depot. The soil, i mean dirt is black and nothing but gravel. The back fill is only 6" deep at most near the house and only 3" deep at most points in the
yard. What I've been doing once a month or so since moving in in '06 is getting bagged Scotts brand top soil and spreading & raking it in. It's not the cheapest way to do it but i can do a bit at time as funds permit. Lawn size is approx 20'x80'. Will this practice help me build my depth of soil? I'm worried that if the
roots should ever reach below the back fill it would be like poison. I'm also working on building up the quality of the soil.
I'm transioning from Maryland Certified Tall Fescue sod to Meyer Zoysia as can be seen here:
http://s791.photobucket.com/albums/yy192/KBzPTGT/My%206yo%20Lawn%20in%20Western%20MD%2021740/ I each time i spread the bagged soil, i only do it at the edge of the spreading Zoysia in hopes of making it stronger to help over take the Fescue. I always mulch mow leaving the clippings and until now have never fertilized until just recently when I spread some Soybean meal & Milorganite.
Just now learning all this lawn/garden stuff. Sorry for the long first post.
Thanks for raeding.