I've come across some information recently that makes me think that if I were to approach the owner of a huge parcel of
land in California's Carrizo Plain I might get myself a new job. I've been pondering what it would take to get the owner interested in an income producing
permaculture site, and what I've come up with is that if I were any more experienced I might stand a chance of gaining a new profession as a permaculturist.
I've been reading what I can about the subject matter, but I'm quite new at learning the particulars so that I would know what to do without asking for help. I have a small piece of land I purchased last November, and I've been spending all my available cash on it since, improving it with fencing, and some trees. I'm kinda poor so it's been slow, I've only got 18
trees planted so far. But I've been keeping a blog on it occasionally
http://perrylandoffthegrid.blogspot.com/ . My property is a few miles from this large parcel I'm talking about. I'm book smart but not that experienced. So here I am asking for help.
The site is larger than 400 acres but I think maybe the owner of the land might want to reserve some of it for future development after the
solar farms kick in gear (we have two of the largest
solar arrays approved for construction, right there on the Carrizo Plain) and 400 acres is the size of the site in particular to this information I came across, so that's the target. 400 acres of open plains. Rainfall is less than 10 inches a year and it usually comes in late Autumn, Winter or early Spring if lucky. Usually it is only in late Autumn and early Winter. I personally think the site is perfect for a "Greening the Desert, USA". That's the kind of angle I think would be best to approach the owner with. By the way there is a high producing well (kind of brackish alkaline
water) greater than 500 feet deep on site. So, perhaps some filtration or maybe a purpose-built solar powered distiller would clean up the water.
What would be neato burrito would be if someone like Paul Wheaton or
Geoff Lawton could come give a professional opinion and help draw up plans that could then later be implemented by anyone with half a (
permaculture) brain (me).
Some links to help in background information:
Here's a map link to dead center on the 400 acre parcel:
http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&ll=35.329499,-119.995894&spn=0.011974,0.022724&t=h&z=16&vpsrc=6 Here's a link to Wikipedia on the Carrizo Plain:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carrizo_Plain A link to Wikipedia on California Valley:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/California_Valley,_California the site is in California Valley, it IS California Valley the TOWN area itself (that never got built, and has stayed as agriculturally zoned land since the development began in late 1950's).
A link to a recent article (today) about wildlife as it pertains to solar powerplants:
http://www.sanluisobispo.com/2011/08/09/1712391/solar-agree-to-wildlife-protections.html And there is my blog again:
http://perrylandoffthegrid.blogspot.com/ where I have some photos from historical posts that show what the whole area looks like. If you're into abundant wildflowers, I have a few photos in there from last year, 2010, that show solid flowers for over a mile in places, taken with large format film (blows the pants off digital).
Alright, well, I am crossing my fingers but am hopeful! Thanks for reading!