leigh gates

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since Oct 08, 2011
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Recent posts by leigh gates

forgiveness.  i struggle.  i really really struggle.  If the thing done to me is a mistake that I have done or could do, then I can at least think about letting go of the hurt.  But something intentional??  I am overwhelmed with shock.  Especially if it was something I personally "would not do".  I am distressed with having to think about guarding against the next time.  I understand the concept of lightening the load on me, of not poisoning myself with my own anger, but I don't think I've ever really succeeded.  If the hurtful action repeats after setting a boundary then I remove myself from the situation/person/job/relationship.  Not saying that was the best way, I have done things like leave a job I loved.  
3 months ago
I tossed a huge bundle of plantain flower stalks under a dense rhododendron bush. I'll have to go look up retting. I'd forgotten that option. The plantain is very happy in the parking lot island, very very happy. The fiber in your pix is beautiful. Thankyou for sharing the process l
6 months ago
I did guinea pig rescue for a while.  I kept them on wood flake (Not sawdust) bedding.  Used bedding is almost perfect compost.  If the cage is large as it should be, 6' long so they can run "zoomies", most will use one area to potty.  That makes it easy to scoop daily-ish and toss on compost bin.  Most veggie trimmings go through the guinea pig first so less volume to handle and way less wild critter interest in the bin.  Roll hardware clothe around a broom handle, lay several rolls on compost for air exchange as bin fills and don't even have to turn compost.  Double use.  And yes, they do great lawn mowers and garden cleanup/fertilize.  I used one of those portable dog corrals draped with a sheet for shade, and only when I was out there with them.  You get free yard work plus a daily dose of cute!  And a chance to infect neighbor minds with reuse & no chemicals ideas because the lawn looks so good.
6 months ago
Ela oh thankyou  : D.  This is why I love this community
1 year ago
Since I can't eat nightshades it's apples. Apples stand in calorie-wise for potatoes, another beloved crop I suffer from eating. Fortunately this far north apples grow everywhere for the gleaning.  Hmm, there's a thought. Could I come up with a "salsa" made with apples? Whoops, Sorry, off topic. I miss salsa
1 year ago
i put out a water bowl in the "Hell Strip" in apt parking lot, that I'm weeding and planting in. The bowl was for a baby bunny that the mom parked there but now I hear a frog. Aha! now I have an excuse to put out more water features, after I pile pine cones under the 2 bushes to discourage cats. I'm in awe of how quick the wildlife is moving in. Next a high hanging bird bath + a shallow rock & moss filled bee waterer.  This is also an excuse to go to 2nd hand store to get some big olg ceramic platters.  Where' my car keys? (partner sighs and rolls eyes)
1 year ago
I have the narrowleaf plantain in the hot dry island in the parking lot of apt complex. it grows tall and proud and makes quite a visual statement  This is 6-8 inches of sand on top of asphalt. I am looking for chickweed & purslane to transplant in. My very vigorous strawberry has wandered in from pots on the patio. The birds seem to plant different flowers each year. Last year was poppies
1 year ago
Also, looking back at the photo, I'd want to know about the root systems of the trees.  In my casual unfocused years of wandering the web I don't recall pictures of terraces with trees in the tropics.  Would there need to be tap rooted trees just below the retaining walls to anchor the wall against the weight and expansion force of roots in the next level up?  Or is it the other way, need tap rooted tree at the front edge of the terrace?  I've seen many trees that have, very slowly, over decades, blown out retaining walls, heaved sidewalks, crowded foundations etc.   I don't have any direct personal experience with terraces but I have dealt with the implacable hidden force of tree roots over the years.
1 year ago
I don't know a thing about terraces or growing coffee, but I would look at sun angles through the day.  With understory plants sun angles can make a shade situation an "Oops, there's an hour of blazing heat part of the year". Or make a dappled shade situation a deep shade for part of the year. I live north temperate so this may not be a factor closer to the equator.
1 year ago
Speaking of hydration. Everyone who takes regular or high doses of Vit C be sure to drink lots of water. Drink more than you feel you need. As a nurse I've seen cases of people with acid crystals in their kidneys from being dehydated while supplementing with Vit C. Also, some things (coffee, commercial soda, asperagus, dandelion, perscribed water pills) pull water out of the body. Be sure to drink good old water in addition to all the teas etc.