Adrien Lapointe wrote:Please post your questions in a separate thread in the solar forum
I'm a bit confused by this. We are here to ask questions of Bob Ramlow but if I post a question in another thread how on earth is Bob to know there is a question for him buried out there somewhere.
I've been wanting to do something that resembles low row covers or a small but rather long hoop house for the purpose of warming domestic water and heating the house. One of the things that bothers me is that any system could benefit from movable insulation so as not to radiate the stored energy back to the night sky. In my location in the New Mexico desert we rarely have a cloud cover to moderate this re-radiation and loss. Does your book have solutions to this problem and what can be done that keeps the costs low enough to give a return on investment on the order of a year or two?
Perhaps the answer belongs in an appropriate thread.