Jami McBride wrote:Are you siphoning with the black tubing or is there a pump?
Jami, the water flows by gravity from to the
pond to the bathtub then to the sump (below the bathtub drain) and then is pumped back over the hump to the yellow bucket which is a filter and then back to the pond through holes in the sides of the filter. The maximum rate of flow is limited by the pump but restrictions in the tubing between the pond and the bathtub has frequently reduced this rate of flow. Daily maintenance has involved cleaning out this tubing with a bristle brush on a flexible shaft (purchased at Harbor Freight). This takes all of 2 minutes but is the kind of thing that
should only need to be done on an occasional basis rather than daily. I do anticipate making the pipe bigger between the pond and the bathtub, currently it's 3/4 inch PVC tubing. So far I have removed a 8 inch long stick, pine needles, and other debris. You might be surprised what the ducks put in their pond.