ronnie easterday

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since Jan 05, 2012
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Recent posts by ronnie easterday

I agree with Kay look in West Virginia. I'm also looking for land in Pendleton county. Somewhere around Franklin, WV. I was just curious Kay, what part of Pendleton county you're located?
12 years ago
Hello I just wanted to say hi. My name is Ronnie. I grew up raising chickens for eggs and meat. We always had the best garden in the area. I'm fairly new to permaculture but I can grow just about anything. I just built my first hugelkulture bed this year. I'm also raising 50 quail. I'm an avid outdoorsman who loves to hunt, fish, camp, hike, cut firewood, pick berries just about anything outdoors. My future plan is to sell my house and buy some cheap land and live off the grid. I also should mention my beautiful black lab Lucy who does everything with me. That's all i got for now.
12 years ago
Thank you so much
12 years ago
I have just one question. I got two truck loads of maple, that has been down for 4 years. We put the bed in and then I discovered the termites. Should I be concerned? My house and garage are brick, but my out buildings are wood. Any info would be helpful. I haven't planted anything yet. Thank you, from the newbie Ronnie
12 years ago
What part of Michigan are you talking about? Thank you
13 years ago
Hello Kelda just wanted to say hi.
13 years ago
When i can sell my house and live off the grid, I will be free.
13 years ago
38swm. Just wanted to say hi. My name is Ronnie. One of these days i will be free. Love this site
13 years ago