Victoria Polmatier

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since Jan 07, 2012
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Recent posts by Victoria Polmatier

I moved two blueberry plants a couple years ago. In digging them, they ended up split in two. All four grew beautifully and produced a full crop the next summer. Meanwhile, the rootlets I didn't get from the old area, grew tops. Those are now five more plants. It'll be a couple years before they produce much as they were very small to start. Based on this experience, I'd think your method should work well to multiply plants, better than cuttings.
5 years ago

paul wheaton wrote:

Victoria Bray wrote:I haven't used Kickstarter a lot but it seems I needed to select a reward? I can see that now as I don't have any. I've been getting the Project Updates but no reward info. Am I out of luck at this point or is there anything to be done.

I will make sure it all gets sorted out.  

My guess is that you would like the reward called "HD-DOWNLOAD", is that correct?

Yes, that's correct. Thanks, Paul!
I haven't used Kickstarter a lot but it seems I needed to select a reward? I can see that now as I don't have any. I've been getting the Project Updates but no reward info. Am I out of luck at this point or is there anything to be done.

Thanks and congrats on a great launch.