Dayton Coburn

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since Jan 19, 2012
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Recent posts by Dayton Coburn

Is it possible to have the email resent?  I logged onto kickstarter and got a message saying emails were bouncing back.
I should have guessed that you had already known about that. It's the first thing that pops up when you search "earthbag home canada"
10 years ago
Hey Mike, I've been following a blog of an Alberta couple who have built an earthbag home, Might be worth your while checking it out.
10 years ago
Mike, where abouts in the province are you? I'd love to attend, depending on when and cost.
What will you use to cover the dome to protect it from the elements?
I just joined your facebook group.
10 years ago
I live about 2.5 hours from there, what would you like to know?
12 years ago