Stephanie Newman

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since Feb 12, 2012
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Recent posts by Stephanie Newman

Have you tried used coffee grinds? I keep a pot of them in my fridge to absorb strong cheese odours and it works a treat.
13 years ago
I lived in NYC for 24 years and had great success growing pots on my fire escape. Blueberries are great in pots and they have bright red leaves in the autumn, a pretty and hardy plant that will provide you with lots of very expensive fruit. Cultivars such as Top Hat are ideal as they don't get very big. Plant them in plastic posts though as they like water and it will need ericacious soil (easy to get). I live in the UK now and have mine planted in an old bathtub.
13 years ago
Yet another one!

I'm a soapmaker in Sawbridgeworth, Herts. I've only recently ordered the book on rocket mass heaters and thought I would try to make a small one for a shed to make it into a spare room. Does anyone in the UK know what the insurance rules are about this. I am loathe to call them in fear of negative news as they probably never heard of this technology (they were worried that my making soap at home would burn it down and that took ages to rectify). Many thanks!
13 years ago
I know this is only tenuously related but can I ask if anyone has heard if female urine is not as effective for vegetables and fruit due to higher levels of estrogen and other chemical naturally found in women? A chemist had told me in the past that male urine (suitably diluted and unadulterated, of course) is better as a fertiliser and nitrogen fixer. Thanks!
13 years ago